PCThe PC project deals with the cultural and linguistic phenomenon of political correctness and the way people are constantly manipulated by the mass media and by politicians who actively employ various linguistic strategies in their speech.
The end-product of the project is a multimedia performance whose main purpose is to explore and implement different linguistic, visual and technological methods for manipulation of the audience. The performance is organized in two halls as a promotion of the debut album and first video of a non-existent rock band called PropagandaCtrl. T-shirts and empty CDs of the band are sold in front of the concert hall. Media representatives are invited to broadcast the event. During the performance the band never appears on stage instead the audience has to watch the videos that are shown on large screens around the hall and the actions of the main performer – a well-dressed man in the role of a politician who delivers a boring and incomprehensible speech loaded with politically correct phrases – and the two “dancers” next to him who smash CDs in iron mortars. In this way, in the course of the performance, the roles of the manipulator and the manipulated are reversed. (PC stands for Political Correctness, Propaganda Control, Personal Computer, etc.) Nadja Blagoeva, 2007 © All rights reserved. All texts, photos and paintings on this website are created by the artist and are copyrighted. Publication, reproduction, copying, using a part or а full text or photo is prohibited and possible only after obtaining written permission from the artist. |